The Treatment of Stage IV Cancers Chapter 6: The Cardinal Rules – Part 2

Written by Webster Kehr, Independent Cancer Research Foundation, Inc. | Last updated on | Filed under: Cancer Articles

Chapter 7 – Dental Issues – Part 1

Chapter 5 – The Cardinal Rules – Part 1

Chapter Index

Chapter 6: The Cardinal Rules – Part 2

Cardinal Rule #4: Work With an Expert

When you go to a clinic that uses alternative cancer treatments, by definition you are working with an expert. This is always the ideal, but it is rarely possible because insurance companies do not pay for alternative cancer treatments.

The best clinics in the world are in Europe. Germany has the highest concentration of world-class clinics. They range in price from $20,000 to $25,000 and up.

For those with brain cancer (e.g. glioblastoma, medulloblastoma, etc.), Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma, an adenocarcinoma of the colon or any type of sarcoma, one of the best clinics in North America is the Camelot Cancer Care Clinic in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Their cost is only about $10,000, which includes lodging.

For other types of cancer, if you want to stay in North America, the Oasis of Hope Clinic in Mexico is an excellent choice. They use treatments which are illegal in the United States because they are so effective. However, you better be prepared to pay $25,000 or more for their treatment. And don’t forget no insurance company will pay a dime of the treatment.

See this article for clinics inside and outside of the U.S.:

Clinics Webpage

It should also be noted that some excellent clinics want to “stay under the radar” of the FDA, thus they do not want websites such as this one mentioning them.

Most cancer patients can only afford several hundred dollars a month for a treatment. This means the patient will have to depend on telephone or email support. It is critical to work with an expert. An expert will likely have prior experience with a case similar to yours. Their treatment for a situation like yours may have evolved over the years as they have learned about new treatments and new methods.

In short, do not design your own alternative cancer treatment. Generally your expert will be the person who is selling you your “Stage IV” treatment products. These experts are one of the main criteria for my choice of the “Stage IV” treatments.

If you want to use a “Stage IV” treatment, but for some reason cannot or will not work with the vendor this website mentions, use Google to try and find another vendor. I have made every effort to find the best of the best for each treatment, but in some cases it was a tough choice, meaning someone else was not far behind the person I chose. I do not like to list two vendors for the same treatment because then people will pester both vendors with questions trying to make up their mind which vendor to use. These people are very busy so I usually only list one of the vendors.

For some treatments there is only one vendor for the major product.

Cardinal Rule #5: A Common Mistake in Combining Protocols

Suppose you are researching the Internet and you see four cancer protocols which look interesting. We will call them:

Protocol #1 – 5 items

Protocol #2 – 4 items

Protocol #3 – 5 items

Protocol #4 – 6 items

I cannot tell you how many times I have seen someone design their own protocol by picking one of the items from each protocol. WRONG!! This is absolutely the wrong thing to do.

What you need to do is pick ONE of the COMPLETE protocols (i.e. ALL of the items in one of the protocols) and use that protocol as your main protocol. Note that I said to include ALL of the items in that protocol!!

Then, if you want to add items to this one COMPLETE protocol, you can research whether items taken from other protocols are safe and effective to add to your main protocol.

Protocols are put together to be synergistic. When you do not use at least one complete protocol (with all of its items) you may be missing a major part of your treatment. That is why you need to have a baseline protocol of at least one complete protocol. Then you can ADD to that protocol, but do not take anything away from it.

Cardinal Rule #6: Using Stage IV Treatments In Sequence

In some cases, even advanced cancer patients can take care of their cancer with a single treatment. However, sometimes a cancer patient is in such dire condition that it is necessary to use several “Stage IV” cancer treatments in sequence, meaning one after the other.

Here is just one example. Suppose a cancer patient has a fast-growing pancreatic cancer that has already spread to their bones. Here is a sequence they might go with:

First, go to a clinic that uses ozone I.V. to start killing the cancer cells immediately, then

Second, AFTER finishing at the clinic, they go with the Cesium Chloride / DMSO Protocol to start protecting their bones with key minerals.

The main cancer treatment should usually last at least a year!! However, since some treatments last a very short time (e.g. the Brandt Grape Cure for 6 weeks at a time, etc.), it may be necessary to use several treatments in sequence before starting the remission treatment.

Cardinal Rule #7: Break the Mental Cycle of Depression, Anger and/or Fear

While the cancer patient himself or herself is ultimately responsible for their cancer treatment, there are some things only the family and friends of the cancer patient can do. That “thing” is to insure the cancer patient does not lose hope and to remove in their minds all possible fear and anger related to the cancer.

It is absolutely essential to break the cycle of depression, anger and/or fear. To do this the cancer patient must make major changes in their mental attitude. Dr. Lorraine Day says to forgive your enemies, researcher Lothar Hirneise says to take a major trip or move. Some of the German cancer clinics use “Art Therapy” to get the patient’s mind off of their cancer and get their mind on being creative.

Whether you take them on a trip, teach them a new craft, or whatever it takes, there is a high correlation between breaking the mental cycle and the ability of the body to cure the cancer.

Family participation in helping break this mental and/or spiritual cycle is important. However, it should be emphasized that the family can do as much damage as be helpful. The entire family needs to know what is going on, and support the actions of the patient, even if they don’t believe in alternative medicine. There is NO room for naysayers around cancer patients!! For example, putting the cancer patient in a natural treatment clinic in Germany, or moving the patient to another state, is one way to get rid of the naysayers.

Cardinal Rule #8: Measure, Measure, Measure Your Progress!!

Why do you have a gas gauge in your car? The gas gauge is an “early warning” system to measure how much gas is in your tank in order to warn you when you are about to run out of gas.

Likewise, if a cancer patient is using a cancer protocol which is not working, the cancer patient needs an “early warning” system so they know as early as possible that their chosen cancer treatment is not strong enough for their situation.

Almost all cancer patients, or their caregiver, custom designs their treatment. As mentioned above, their treatment will usually have exactly ONE Stage IV treatment and this treatment may be supplemented by Hydrazine Sulphate (for cachexia) or a frequency generator (for a myriad of reasons), a strong “cancer diet,” special supplements, etc. etc.

During treatment, it is critical to know whether your chosen protocol is strong enough to win your battle against cancer. If it is not strong enough, the sooner you know it is not strong enough, the quicker you can make adjustments in your protocol!!!

But there is another very important reason for measuring how well your treatment is working: Are you using the right doses of supplements and are you implementing the treatment correctly? For example, you may be using the perfect protocol for your situation, but you may not be taking the right doses of a key product or you may be taking a supplement which is negating a more important supplement in your treatment.

The sooner you know your treatment is not strong enough (or something is wrong with the way you are taking the protocol) the better your chance of survival!!

While a P.E.T. Scan will measure your progress, a PET Scan is like having a hundred X-Rays and having that many X-Rays is definitely not good for a cancer patient.

There are also many different “protein” counters, such as the CA-125. The problem with counting proteins is that they are generally VERY POOR measures of progress. Alternative cancer treatments are not designed to lower protein counts!!! Plus, there are many factors that determine how many key proteins there are in a cancer patient’s body. For example, existing proteins may not be flushed out of the body even if you are winning your battle against cancer.

The answer to measuring your progress is a simple and inexpensive urine test called the Navarro Urine Test (or “Navarro”). While the Navarro is a kind of protein counter, and while the Navarro does have some of the same problems as other protein counters, the Navarro has been shown to be far more accurate at measuring the amount of cancer cells than other types of markers.

The Navarro Urine Test was designed by the late Dr. Navarro of the Philippines and is now administered by his son, who is also a medical doctor in the Philippines.

It is a urine test which returns to you a number, generally between 50 and 60. A ’49’ means you no longer have cancer (statistically speaking). A ’50’ or above means you do have cancer (statistically speaking). The test, including shipping, only costs about $75.

As a rule of thumb, a 56 or a 57 is typical of a very advanced cancer patient (see the note below for exceptions).

Starting before you begin your first major alternative cancer treatment you need to determine exactly how much cancer there is in your body.

The result of the first time you take a Navarro test is called the “1st Navarro number.” The result of the second time (6 or 8 weeks later) you take a Navarro test is called the “2nd Navarro number.

The 2nd Navarro number is compared to the 1st Navarro number to see if the Navarro number has gone down, stayed the same or gone up.

Your 3rd Navarro number is compared to your 2nd Navarro number. Your 4th Navarro number is compared to your 3rd Navarro number. And so on. Every 6 or 8 weeks you take another Navarro urine Test.

The purpose of comparing these consecutive numbers is that from time to time during your treatment you must know whether your treatment is working and whether you are getting better or you are getting worse. If you are getting worse, you need to immediately change your protocol or fix the way you are doing your current protocol.

The solution in your case may be to be more fanatical about your “cancer diet” or maybe you are not taking a high enough dose of one of the key supplements. Or maybe your protocol is simply too weak for your situation.

This is How To Measure Whether Your Treatment Is Working!!

The way to determine whether your treatment is working or not is to compare consecutive Navarro numbers as described above.

If your Navarro Number has gone up (e.g. your 3rd Navarro number is larger than your 2nd Navarro number), then your treatment is not strong enough for your situation and you need to immediately re-evaluate your current treatment or change your primary treatment!!

If your Navarro number has gone down, then the treatment is working as advertised and keep doing what you are doing.

If your Navarro number stays the same, you may want to give the treatment another 6 to 8 weeks or you may decide to change your protocol or switch to a different primary treatment.

However, just because the Navarro number stays the same does not mean the cancer treatment is not making signicant progress. Let me explain:

The Navarro number is a good measure of how much cancer you have at the beginning of the treatment, but it is not always a measure of how well the number of cancer cells in your body is decreasing!!

To understand why this is the case, consider that every cancer patient has two things in their body: cancer cells and a molecule called: HCG.

Measuring how much HCG there is in your urine is a very good way to determine how much cancer you have in your body.

However, the amount of HCG in your body does not automatically decrease as the number of cancer cells decrease!! This is critical to understand.

For example, I know of one case where the patient used superb alternative cancer treatments for several months, but her Navarro was still reading 52. Then, for four more months she used even more outstanding alternative cancer treatments. I can assure the reader this person did not have a single cancer cell in her body. However, her Navarro score still read 52.

The reason is that when you cure cancer, and get rid of the cancer cells, the body does not automatically flush HCG out of the system. This is a problem for all cancer patients, but it is a special problem for those who use treatments that revert cancer cells into normal cells (e.g. frequency generators). This is because the cancer cells remain in the body (and there may be HCG molecules stuck on the outside of the cells), however, they have reverted into normal cells.

Thus, there may be no cancer cells in the body, but there may be a considerable amount of HCG molecules in the body.

Using a more accurate PET scan or CT scan is a better measure of how a treatment is working, but these are X-Rays and may do harm to the body so they should not be casually used.

The point is that if your Navarro number stays the same, your treatment is probably working, or at least is keeping the cancer in check. If the number goes up, it is time to change some phase of your treatment.

The real purpose of this methodology is to catch an increase in the Navarro number quickly. If the Navarro number goes up by more than 0.2 points, that is the real purpose for the test. If it goes up by more than 0.2 points it means your treatment is simply not strong enough for your situation and you need to immediately make a significant change in your overall protocol in most situations.

(Note: Some protocols are cumulative in nature, such as cesium chloride, Protocel, Cantron, etc., thus it may be normal for the Navarro score to go up slightly before the score levels out and starts to go down!!!)

You take the test every 6 or 8 weeks until your Navarro number is below 50 or below 51 (or you reach a plateau which you know is caused by HCG, not cancer cells). Then you can go on a strong remission treatment when your protocol is completed.

But even after you are in “remission” you need to have your Navarro number taken every 3 or 4 months for a year, then every six months after that. You need to know whether the cancer is “creeping up!!”

In fact, even people who do not have cancer should take a Navarro test once a year to make sure cancer is not creeping up on them (are you paying attention caregivers?). A friend of mine died the day after he was diagnosed with cancer because he had no clue he had cancer (or he ignored the clues) until it was far too late.

Important Note: While the Navarro number is usually between 50 and 57, for certain kinds of cancer the number can be over a thousand. You need to look at the instructions. But whatever your number is to begin with, it is the CHANGE in the number which is important. If you have a type of cancer where the Navarro number is above 80, then you will have to determine for yourself how to gauge your progress.

Here is information about how to take the Navarro Urine Test:

How To Determine How Much Cancer You Have (Navarro Urine Test)

Cardinal Rule #9: Keep Doing Your Homework

Here is your homework – memorize these cardinal rules!! The order of these cardinal rules is not important, but all of them are essential.

When you go to a medical doctor you are paying him or her to do your homework for you. But medical doctors are not allowed to use alternative cancer treatments, thus you must do your homework unless you can afford an alternative cancer treatment clinic.

A Sample “Complete Protocol”

So far you have likely been overwhelemed with information. How in the world do you implement all of this information into an actual cancer treatment?

Also see the “Understanding Treating Cancer” link at the top of the left side-bar.

Chapter 7 – Dental Issues – Part 1

Chapter 5 – The Cardinal Rules – Part 1

Chapter Index