Books – Alternative Cancer Clinics (Worldwide)

Written by Webster Kehr, Independent Cancer Research Foundation, Inc. | Last updated on | Filed under: Books
Books – Alternative Cancer Clinics (Worldwide)

German Cancer Breakthrough
by Andrew Scholberg

German alternative cancer clinics are considered the best in the world. This book details seven of the best German alternative cancer clinics and discusses the treatments used, case studies, living quarters, contact information, etc.
For more information:
 German Cancer Breakthrough

Adios Cancer
by Frank Cousineau

Some of the Mexican alternative cancer clinics are considered as good as any in the world. Frank Cousineau has spent over 30 years traveling to Mexico to find the best of the Mexican cancer clinics. This book was released in mid-July, 2010.
For more information:
 Adios Cancer – How Rich and Poor Alike Beat Cancer South of the Border

Cancer Breakthrough USA!
by Frank Cousineau

Frank Cousineau is probably the foremost expert in alternative cancer clinics around the world. In this book he describes some of the best American cancer clinics.
 Cancer Breakthrough USA!

Defeat Cancer
by Connie Strasheim

This book details information about 15 clinics in the United States and other countries.
Defeat Cancer by Connie Strasheim