Danger! Danger! Toxic Spill

Written by Webster Kehr, Independent Cancer Research Foundation, Inc. | Last updated on | Filed under: Chemotherapy

If such precautions are needed to be taken on the outside,
then what is it doing to me on the inside?

chemospillThe burning and scarring [left] is the result of a spill of chemotherapy onto the bare hand. Is it any wonder that people are worried about what might be happening to their insides as chemotherapy is intravenously fed into the body? Is it any wonder that chemotherapy nurses wear protective gloves? And is it any wonder that so high a percentage of oncologists refuse to submit to the treatments they advocate for their patients? Hazel had every right to be concerned about the internal damage taking place as she was being intravenously administered chemotherapy for her breast cancer. Similar pictures can be found at:

Go immediately to the Emergency Room

The following information is taken from a medical college web site, specializing in bone marrow transplant accompanied by chemotherapy ‘support’. This particular text discusses the procedures in place to dispense with clothing and related apparatus after a chemotherapy spill. The lady below is wearing the regulatory protective suit to deal with such a spill.

chemospill1Contaminated pads/toweling, the outer pair of gloves, and shoe covers are placed in the first chemo waste disposal bag, which is then knotted and placed in the second waste disposal bag. The remaining protective clothing and gloves are placed in the second chemo waste bag. Goggles can be reprocessed and are bagged separately in a zip-lock bag and sent to pharmacy with the chemo spill kit after they are removed. The chemo waste bags must be sealed securely and disposed of in the biohazard waste containers. A “Medication Incident Report” must be filled out after any chemotherapy spill.”

If skin comes in to contact with the drug:

  • Remove gloves and protective clothing
  • Rinse the contaminated area thoroughly with warm water
  • Wash thoroughly with soap and rinse again with warm water
  • If skin is not broken, wipe affected area thoroughly with gauze saturated with a diluted 0.05% chlorine bleach solution and rinse with warm water
  • If the skin is broken, use 3% hydrogen peroxide. Wash off with warm water
  • Note the drug(s) that made contact, as there may be a specific antidote
  • Go immediately to the Emergency Room

This is what is pumped into the patient undergoing conventional treatment. The toxic nature of chemotherapy is such that many doctors place no faith in it at all.

Most cancer patients in this country die of chemotherapy. Chemotherapy does not eliminate breast, colon, or lung cancers. This fact has been documented for over a decade, yet doctors still use chemotherapy for these tumors. – Allen Levin, MD UCSF The Healing of Cancer

If I contracted cancer, I would never go to a standard cancer treatment centre. Cancer victims who live far from such centres have a chance. Professor Charles Mathe, Frech cancer specialist

How much longer can we continue to sanction chemotherapy as a frontline cancer treatment?