Natural Treatment for Type I Diabetes

Written by Webster Kehr, Independent Cancer Research Foundation, Inc. | Last updated on | Filed under: Diabetes, Other Health Conditions

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Three Articles On Type I Diabetes:

Article #1: Introduction To Type I Diabetes (This Article)
Article #2: Possible Causes of Type 1 Diabetes
Article #3: The Treatment of Type I Diabetes

Article #1: Introduction to Type I Diabetes

Note #1: It is important to read all 3 chapters in this article, as there may be several different sections that apply to your situation.

Note #2: It is important to check back with this article very couple of months. This article does change from time to time or you may forget a key issue.

Introduction to Type I Diabetes

Did you know that there are two products that have cured advanced type 1 diabetes cases? Both of them will be discussed in this article. But more importantly, one of these products can reverse cumulative severe side-effects of type 1 or type 2 diabetes.

Type I diabetes is actually a set of symptoms, meaning it can be caused by several different things. The symptoms are that the blood lacks insulin. There are actually several things that can cause an abnormally low level of insulin in the blood.

Type I diabetes is a very severe disease. The average life-span of a type 1 diabetic is 5-8 years shorter than an average person. But death is not the worst thing about type 1 diabetes. Here is a list of some of the health problems it can lead to:

  1. Amputation of limbs
  2. Blindness (retinopathy) – diabetes is the leading cause of new cases of blindness in America – 12,000 to 24,000 cases anually
  3. Kidney failure (nephropathy) – frequently leading to dialysis or a kidney/pancreas transplant
  4. Liver disease
  5. Arteriosclerosis (hardening of the arteries)
  6. Heart disease
  7. Stroke (e.g. paralysis)
  8. High blood pressure
  9. Nerve damage (neuropathy)
  10. Dementia
  11. Urinary tract infection (mostly in women)
  12. Depression – Note: Aspartame (e.g. Equal, NutraSweet, etc.) and sugar are the leading causes of depression in non-diabetics. However, because the average diabetic consumes more aspartame than the average person, it is highly possible that aspartame is by far the REAL cause of depression in diabetics!! A diabetic should absolutely avoid aspartame and all other artificial sweeteners!
  13. Bone quality – Note: See this cancer article for people whose bones have become brittle:
    Bone Cancer Article
  14. Hearing loss

The Common Thread

A casual glance at the above list makes it clear that there is a common thread among what causes the majority of the above problems. That problem is circulatory problems, especially with the small capillaries.

Obviously, controlling the insulin level of a type 1 diabetic does NOT prevent circulatory problems. Likewise, it is obvious that controlling the glucose level of a type 1 diabetic does NOT prevent circulatory problems.

Thus, orthodox medicine does virtually nothing to prevent the severe complications of diabetes or to cure diabetes. This article is about both preventing the severe side-effects of diabetes and curing diabetes.

While there are some things that are known to cure some type 1 diabetes cases, the majority of type 1 diabetes cases still cannot be cured with alternative medicine.

However, there is good news. The treatment described in this article will deal with several different causes of type 1 diabetes, and will point the patient in the direction of understanding what might be causing their diabetes, which may lead to effective treatments.

This is a long article, but there is a lot of information that is critical to know for the type 1 diabetes patient.

More on Type 1 Diabetes

The root cause of type 1 diabetes is a weak immune system.

So what is the “root cause” of why the immune system is weak? To understand the “root cause” of why the immune system is weak, surprisingly we need to look at the organs, such as the liver and pancreas.

When there are microbes and/or parasites in these organs, the microbes and parasites intercept glucose and other food the organs need. Plus, the microbes excrete highly acidic and totally worthless mycotoxins.

With a smaller food supply and a large influx of worthless and acidic mycotoxins, the organs become weak.

When the organs become weak the immune system also becomes weak.

And that is the missing link to why the immune system is weak!!

It is microbes and parasites in the organs which are starting the chain reaction of events that cause type 1 diabetes!!

The immune system may be attacking its own cells because the immune system has been weakened by microbes and parasites in the organs or the damage may be done by microbes and parasites attacking the organs directly.

While this might surprise many people, the solution to curing type 1 diabetes lies with killing the microbes and parasites inside the organs because it is weak organs (weakened by the microbes and parasites) that are causing the immune system to be weak or are attacking the organs directly.

Some of the microbes that can cause type 1 diabetes include: cytomegalovirus (which is in the herpes family [Herpesviridae or herpesvirus], and can be related to chickenpox, infectious mononucleosis, etc.), hepatitis c virus, enterovirus, Ljungan virus and others.

In addition, Dr. Hulda Clark stated: “Wood alcohol invites pancreatic flukes to use the pancreas as a secondary host. This leads to pancreatic dysfunction which we call diabetes.

So we see that the microbes and/or parasites, such as pancreatic flukes, can be weakening the immune system or can be causing the pancreas to dysfunction directly.

Either way, the problem is microbes and parasites in the organs which are weakening the immune system or directly damaging the organs!!

The Treatment For Type 1 Diabetes

The treatment includes identifying the specific microbes/parasites in the organs that are doing the damage, then using a two-step process to deal with the diabetes.

The microbes/parasites are identified by a consultation with the Ed Skilling Institute. By using a consultation they are able to identify what is going on in the organs.

The two-step treatment is as follows:

First, use a special nutritional protocol to kill the microbes and parasites (e.g. pancreatic flukes) identified by the consultation,

Second, use electromedicine to re-energize the cells in the organs which were weakened by the microbes/parasites.

This two-step process first gets rid of the “root cause” of the diabetes and then re-energizes the weakened cells so the immune system will again become fully functional.

The highly recommended protocol for type 1 diabetes, which was designed specifically to accomplish these two tasks (and several other diseases are also caused by microbes in the organs) is called the Photon Protocol.

The Photon Protocol consists of a consultation to identify exactly why the person has type 1 diabetes. From this consultation, a nutritional protocol is designed to kill the specific microbes/parasites in the specific organs.

Second, an electromedicine device is used to energize the weak cells.

There are two kinds of electromedicine devices which not only energize the weak cells, but also pump the lymph system, kill some microbes in the bloodstream, etc.

The least expensive device is called the Photon Genie and it costs $3,000. The more expensive, and far more powerful device, is called the Photon Genius and it costs $25,000. The more advanced cases may require the Photon Genius, but in some cases these devices are available to the general public for a usage fee.

Warren Starnes of the Skilling Institute, who usually does the consultation, has worked with many type 1 diabetes patients and has had excellent success dealing with the root cause of the disease. The consultation itself costs $1,500.

Because the Photon Protocol is also used for cancer, here is the article for both cancer and diabetes:
Photon Protocol For Cancer and Diabetes

Cases of Type 1 Diabetes Which are Caught Early

There are two substances that have been shown in scientific studies to cure type 1 diabetes if it is caught early enough. These two substances are niacinamide and vitamin E. Exactly how soon the diabetes has to be caught is not known. Generally, 80% of the beta cells are dead before the diabetes is caught, so anyone who has been taking insulin for less than about a year should try these two substances immediately.

There were two scientific studies on niacinamide and Type 1 diabetes. In one study, 90% of the newly diagnosed diabetic patients were cured of their diabetes with niacinamide. In another study, 50% of the newly diagnosed diabetes patients were cured of their diabetes with niacinamide. What was the difference in the studies?

The difference was that the newly diagnosed patients in one study (the 90% cure) were not allowed to partake of any dairy products. In the other study the patients were allowed to partake of dairy products.

The results of these two studies makes it ABSOLUTELY CLEAR that the patient must stop taking every possible form of dairy products immediately.


There are two substances that are known to mimic insulin, leading to the need for less insulin. These two items are cinnamon and liquid ionic vanadium.

Taking both of these products can lead to the nearly immediate need for slightly less insulin. While these two substances are not part of the treatment for diabetes, they can be hugely beneficial to the patient during the treatment. Both of these items are in the treatment described below.

Another supplement that has done well at treating type 1 diabetes is capsaicin.

A Website That Claims To Cure Type 1 Diabetes

Dr. Kenneth Pullman, MD claims to be able to cure Type 1 diabetes. You have to pay for the information, but I would consider it to be credible.

In any case, if you visit his website and try his cure, please send me an email and tell me what it was and whether or not it worked for you. I will accumulate the results and pass them on in a totally confidential way without giving away proprietary information.

Here is his website:
Diabetes Protocol of Dr. Kenneth Pullman, MD

Additional Treatment And Politics Articles

Research Methodology To Reverse Type 1 and FDA Corruption

Methodology and FDA Corruption

Dr. Faustman Research and More Methodology and FDA Corruption

Articles On This Website On Type 1 Diabetes

Article #1: Introduction To Type I Diabetes (This Article)
Article #2: Possible Causes of Type 1 Diabetes
Article #3: The Treatment of Type I Diabetes

Here is my email address for what you learn so I can pass it on:
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