The Cachexia Treatment Hydrazine Sulphate (i.e. Hydrazine Sulfate)

Written by Webster Kehr, Independent Cancer Research Foundation, Inc. | Last updated on | Filed under: Alternative Treatments, Cancer Articles, Supplemental Treatments

What is Cachexia

First, let’s understand a little bit about a cancer cell:

The 1931 Nobel laureate in medicine, German Otto Warburg, Ph.D., first discovered that cancer cells have a fundamentally different energy metabolism compared to healthy cells. The crux of his Nobel thesis was that malignant tumours frequently exhibit an increase in anaerobic glycolysis – – a process whereby glucose is used as a fuel by cancer cells with lactic acid as an anaerobic by-product – – compared to normal tissues. The large amount of lactic acid produced by this fermentation of glucose from cancer cells is then transported to the liver. This conversion of glucose to lactate generates a lower, more acidic pH in cancerous tissues as well as overall physical fatigue from lactic acid build-up. Thus, larger tumours tend to exhibit a more acidic pH.

This inefficient pathway for energy metabolism yields only 2 moles of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) energy per mole of glucose, compared to 38 moles of ATP in the complete aerobic oxidation of glucose. By extracting only about 5 percent (2 vs. 38 moles of ATP) of the available energy in the food supply and the body’s calorie stores, the cancer is “wasting” energy, and the patient becomes tired and undernourished. This vicious cycle increases body wasting. It is one reason why 40 percent of cancer patients die from malnutrition, or cachexia. Hence, cancer therapies should encompass regulating blood-glucose levels via diet, supplements, non-oral solutions for cachectic patients who lose their appetite, medication, exercise, gradual weight loss and stress reduction.

What can we learn from this?

  • First, cancer cells ferment glucose, a very inefficient mechanism.
  • Second, as part of this fermentation, cancer cells create lactic acid.
  • Third, this lactic acid goes to the liver.
  • Fourth, this process also makes a cancer cell very acidic (which is why cancer cells do not like to be alkaline).
  • Fifth, cancer cells are very inefficient at processing glucose, only about 5% as efficient, meaning they “waste” energy.
  • Sixth, this wasted energy causes the cancer patient to become tired and malnurished.
  • Seventh, this excessive use of glucose by a cancer cell is actually part of the process whereby cancer cells actually “steal” glucose from normal cells (cancer cells also steal nutrients from normal cells).
  • Eighth, this means normal cells can literally starve to death, creating malnutrition and death.

Note the vicious cycle in the above list. It is this cycle that causes the body to literally waste away. But there is another key part of the cycle:

Large tumours produce much lactic acid that is reconverted in the liver into glucose in a process that consumes much energy. It is of positive benefit to block this conversion by taking hydrazine sulphate or [cesium] chloride. The main benefits are weight gain and increased energy that are especially important in the last stage of cancer, called cachexia. In addition, tumour growth may be inhibited, in some instances tumours gradually disappeared.
Walter Last, see

Now we see another key part of the cycle, the liver converts the lactic acid back into glucose, and guess who eats much of this glucose? The cancer cells. But the conversion by the liver of the lactic acid back into glucose also takes large amounts of energy.

Thus we can see a simplified picture of the entire cycle:

  1. The cancer cells ferment massive amounts of glucose, which consumes energy,
  2. They process the glucose with fermination, which is very inefficient,
  3. A byproduct of this fermentation is lactic acid,
  4. This lactic acid then goes into the liver,
  5. The liver then converts this lactic acid back into glucose, consuming even more energy
  6. Much of this glucose is consumed by the cancer cells and the cycle starts over.

Here is another description:

Cachexia is the wasting away of the cancer patient’s body. The person is reduced to skin and bones, while the cancer continues growing vigorously. What is happening is that the cancer incompletely metabolizes glucose, turning it into lactic acid … This lactic acid (if it reaches the bloodstream) travels to the liver where it is converted back into glucose by a procedure that consumes an enormous amount of the body’s energy. This happens over and over again as the cancer grows and the rest of the body wastes away. Hydrazine sulphate blocks a key enzyme in the liver that allows lactic acid to be converted into glucose.

We see something interesting at the end of this quote: “Hydrazine sulphate blocks a key enzyme in the liver that allows lactic acid to be converted into glucose.” We will talk more about this later.

Here is another way of looking at this cycle:

Cachexia: in a chronic infection/chronic disease, the patient’s temperature rises, the CD4 count drops below the CD8 count, and the appetite wanes until the patient develops pathological anorexia. The body still needs nourishment, so it begins breaking down its fat stores, the process of glycogenesis, and also begins to break down proteins to deliver these sugar precursors, the ones produced by glycogenesis, to the body. The metabolism of tumor/cancer cells is much less efficient than those of normal cells: normal cells metabolize aerobically, using oxygen, which is 15 times more efficient than cancer cells that metabolize anaerobically, through a process of fermentation. Fermentation, being less efficient, requires much more sugar than aerobically metabolizing cells. Additionally, the metabolism rate of a tumor is much higher than that of normal cells, so the amount of sugar needed is still greater. Eventually the patient dies trying to feed the tumor. Starvation is the major cause of death in cancer and AIDS patients.

In short, when the person quits eating, the body starts to eat itself in order to feed the cancer cells. Here are more details:

Lactic acid build-up induces an acid build-up within the cell, which now causes changes in the DNA of the cell to promote unlimited reproduction. In other words, the cancer feeds itself in an acid environment … Another potential way to starve the cancer then is to interfere with the liver’s ability to produce glucose from lactic acid (the enzyme is called phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase) through hydrazine sulfate. Again, the specific agent is not the emphasis but rather the conceptual approach to altering the tissue environment.

Comments on Weight Loss (i.e. Do You Really Have Cachexia?)

Before going any further, it is important to make a distinction. When a person first starts a typical alternative cancer treatment, there should be a massive change in their dietary habits! The person should go from a Western meat and sugar based diet to a special type of vegan diet. This change should happen quickly!

This change in diet, by itself, will typically cause a person to lose weight. Thus, just because a person who goes on an alternative cancer diet loses weight does not mean that their body is in the cachexia cycle.

In other words, even if a person did not have cancer, if they made such a sudden change in diet they would lose weight! In fact, a vegan diet is a good weight loss diet even for people who do not have cancer!!

Cachexia is different. With cachexia the body is literally eating itself. It is eating the person’s muscles, fat and many other parts of the body.

Thus, the patient must keep in mind the difference between a “normal” loss of weight and an “abnormal” loss of weight. One key to determining whether a loss in weight is cachexia or not is knowing when the uncontrollable weight loss started. If it started before the switch to alternative treatments, it might be cachexia.

However, if the weight loss started at the same time as the switch to an alternative cancer diet, most likely it is not cachexia, unless the weight loss continues for more than a few weeks.

There are other things that cause uncontrolled weight loss. For example, in some rare cases hormone balance defects may cause an unstoppable loss of weight. In this situation, I do not know the best attack.

Also, in some cases the person loses their will to eat, usually due to being sick all of the time. This leads to a loss of appetite and a loss of weight. While this is technically not cachexia, it almost certainly will lead to cachexia. Cancer cells will eat, and they will eat the person’s body if necessary.

Hydrazine Sulfate Theory

Of all of the alternative treatments for cachexia, perhaps Hydrazine Sulphate is the best known. The reason is that it was designed specifically for cachexia.

Hydrazine Sulfate works on stopping the cycle just mentioned. Hydrazine Sulphate, or more commonly Hydrazine Sulfate, “interrupts the ability of the liver to convert lactic acid from tumours into glucose thereby helping to starve the tumours and inhibit their ability to metastasise.”

Overall gluconeogenesis is stimulated when cancer is present. Gluconeogenesis requires a great deal of energy and excessive gluconeogenesis is thought to be a significant factor that contributes to cancer cachexia (Gold, 1968). Dr. Joseph Gold recognized in the 1960’s that metabolic strategies that inhibited the enzyme phosphoenol pyruvate carboxykinase (PEP-CK) would reduce gluconeogenesis and decrease the severity of cachexia (Gold, 1968). Dr. Gold after testing a series of compounds found that hydrazine sulfate could effectively reduce excessive gluconeogenesis in cancer (Gold, 1974, 1981). (An Adobe Acrobat ‘pdf’ file)

By stopping the liver from converting the lactic acid into glucose breaks the cachexia cycle.

Dr Joseph Gold looked at the chemical process of glycogenesis and determined that, if he inhibited the PEP CK enzyme (much too large a word for anyone to try to pronounce), he could stop the process. Voila, he came up with hydrazine sulfate, a substance that is made cheaply, simple to use, fuels military rockets and shrinks tumors. In his early animal studies, Dr Gold showed that, in greater than fifty percent of cancerous animals, he was able to stop the process of glycogenesis, end the cachexia, and the animals began gaining weight. With sugars cut off to the tumor, the tumors began shrinking.

Cesium Chloride

One option to help hydrazine sulfate stop this cycle is alkalinity. Cesium chloride (and a few other minerals), the most common substance to make cancer cells alkaline in an alkaline treatment program, has been proven by Dr. A. Keith Brewer, PhD, to get into cancer cells, when other nutrients cannot. The cesium chloride:

  • makes the cancer cell alkaline,
  • limits the intake of glucose into the cell (thus starving the cell),
  • neutralizes the lactic acid (which is actually what causes the cell to multiply uncontrollably and eventually kills the cell) and makes it nontoxic, and
  • stops the fermentation process, which is a second affect of limiting the glucose (fermentation is what creates lactic acid in the first place).

In other words, cesium chloride will break the cycle in several different ways.

But this is the important point: Hydrazine Sulfate blocks the cachexia cycle in the liver and cesium chloride blocks the cachexia cycle in the cancer cells!!

Both cesium chloride and hydrazine sulfate are complex treatments and have many restrictions. More will be said about this below.

Hydrazine Sulphate Protocol

This is the Minnesota Wellness Protocol:

One 60 mg capsule every day for the first 3 days. With or before breakfast.

One 60 mg capsule twice a day for the next 3 days. Before breakfast and before dinner.

One 60 mg capsule three times a day thereafter. Approximately every 8 hours beginning with breakfast.

This protocol is based on a patient weight of 55 Kg and above; for a patient weight of 50 Kg and below, half dosages have been reported effective. Generally it is reported that hydrazine sulfate is most effective when administered by itself (no other medications given one-half hour before or after administration of hydrazine sulfate) before meals. If adequate response is made on 2 capsules daily, patients have been reportedly maintained on this dosage schedule and not increased.

Best efficacy with hydrazine sulfate has been reported by maintaining daily treatment for 45 days followed by an interruption for 1 to 2 weeks, then re-institution of treatment; this interruption has been reported to prevent the development of peripheral neuritic symptoms. In addition, it has been reported that there is an incompatibility of hydrazine sulfate with ethanol, barbiturates, and tranquilizers. Patients receiving hydrazine sulfate should thus avoid alcoholic beverages, tranquilizers, and barbiturates.

This is the protocol of Walter Last:

It is taken in an amount of 60 mg 3 times daily with meals. Start with only one 60 mg capsule with breakfast for 3 days, and then add a second capsule with lunch for another 3 days and finally an additional capsule with dinner. If the body weight is less than about 55 kg then only 2 capsules per day may be taken and below about 43 kg 3 times 30 mg may be used. If you feel good on this schedule, then this program may be maintained for several months but more commonly it is interrupted by a 2-week rest period after about 6 weeks.”
Walter Last, see:

It is important to note that there must be BREAKS in the treatment at specified intervals!!


Warning! Hydrazine Sulfate is an MAOI (Momoamine Oxidase Inhibitor). What it does is inhibit an enzyme that breaks down monoamines (serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine), those brain chemicals that make us happy. MAO inhibitors have been used as antidepressants. However, MAOs have another job in the body: they metabolize tyramine, an amino acid. When taking an MAO inhibitor, tyramine is not broken down, and eating foods with tyramine can raise your blood pressure and heart beat dramatically and cause the worst headache you’ve ever experienced. This is a very dangerous condition, especially for someone already battling cancer. Most of the foods containing tayramine are not on the cancer diet plan, and you should be avoiding them anyway.

Foods containing tyramine are (mainly) aged, fermented, or pickled, such as most cheeses (except cottage cheese, cream cheese, and fresh Mozzerlla), lunch meats, hot dogs, yogurt, wines and beers. Here is a pretty good list of foods that contain tyramine:

(Note: there is absolutely no accurate list of what foods have tyramine. One site says raspberries and grapes do have them, and another site says they don’t. The bottom line is if the cancer patient gets headaches, then it is highly likely they are eating something with tyramine in it. Start eliminating foods in the same food categories as in this list.)

  • Barleygrass (perhaps the highest percentage of all according to Dr. Duke, but he doesn’t list other grasses), which would exclude all barley supplements,
  • Dry and fermented sausage (bologna, salami, pepperoni, corned beef, and liver),
  • pickled herring and salted dried fish,
  • broad beans and pods (lima, fava beans, lentils, snow peas, and soy beans),
  • meat extracts,
  • yeast extracts/brewer’s yeast, beer and ale, red wine (chianti, burgundy, sherry, vermouth),
  • sauerkraut,
  • fruits listed by Dr. Duke (oranges, tangerines, lemon, grapefruit),
  • some fruits (bananas, avacados, canned figs, raisins, red plums, raspberries, pinapples),
  • cultured dairy products (buttermilk, yogurt, and sour cream),
  • chocolate,
  • caffeine (coffee, tea, and cola drinks),
  • white wine, port wines, distilled spirits,
  • soy sauce, miso, peanuts, almonds,
  • beef or chicken liver, herring,
  • meat tenderizer, MSG (Accent),
  • pickles, and
  • pumpkin seeds.

In general, any high protein food that has undergone aging should be avoided. Also, any over-the-counter cold or allergy remedy should also be avoided.”

Here is a very excellent website which lists foods that have tyramine and foods that don’t!!
Excellent Site on Foods to Eat and Avoid

Here is a very excellent website which has recipes of acceptable foods!!
Excellent Recipes

Here is the warning from Walter Last:

Hydrazine sulphate is a monoamine oxidase inhibitor and the following should not be used during hydrazine therapy: tranquilizers or sedatives in doses greater than 100 mg per day, especially benzodiazepines and phenothiazines should be avoided, also antihistamines, alcohol and other agents that depress the central nervous system such as morphine. Also vitamin B6 should not be taken. Foods high in tyramine must be avoided. These are aged and fermented products such as most cheeses, cured meats or fish, sour cream and yoghurt, tofu and tempeh, bouillon cubes, sauerkraut, pickles and yeast extracts. Also restricted are broad beans, avocados, bananas, raisins, figs, dates and dried fruit in general as well as overripe fruit.
Walter Last, see:

Here is the warning of Dr. Gold, developer of Hydrazine Sulphate:

HS is an irreversible and potent MAO (monoamine oxidase) inhibitor, a class of compounds that can have potentially deadly interactions with other drugs. For over three decades it has been known that central nervous system depressants—such as barbiturates, tranquilizers and alcohol—are incompatible with MAO inhibitors and use of the two together could result in extremely dangerous effects.

In addition to the Cellect-Budwig protocol, the following things should not be taken with Hydrazine Sulphate:

  • ethanol
  • alcoholic beverages
  • barbiturates and tranquilizers (e.g. Thorazine, Compazine, Xanax, Valium, Dalmane, Ativan, Restoril, Halcion, Nembutal and Seconal, to name but a few)
  • sedatives in doses greater than 100 mg per day, especially benzodiazepines and phenothiazines
  • antihistamines
  • antiemetics
  • other agents that depress the central nervous system, such as morphine
  • foods with tyramine
  • Vitamin B6
  • Vitamin C in daily doses above 250 mg (from all sources)

Of course, in addition to all of these things, foods high in glucose should be avoided.

Finally, hydrazine sulphate should be taken in exact doses. Overdosing can do more harm than good.

Let me say that again:

Overdosing on Hydrazine Sulfate may do more harm than good!!


Keep a list of the forbidden foods and prescription drugs taped to your refrigerator

One comment about morphine. If the cancer patient is in a lot of pain, the cesium chloride with DMSO treatment and the Aloe Immune (see my Stage IV article for links and details) may be able to stop the pain within 2 or 3 days. The patient may be able to get off of morphine, or a similar drug. However, wait until the morphine, or other drug, is out of the system before beginning hydrazine sulfate.

The Cachexia Treatment Plan and Diet

I am going to tell you right now, things are about to get complicated. If hospitals were interested in treating cancer patients with this protocol their nurses would keep track of what you need to take, and when. But hospitals are forbidden to use these kinds of treatments, so YOU or your family memebers are going to have to take good notes to keep track of what is going on. The Stage IV cancer treatment on this web site is complicated enough, but adding hydrazine sulfate doubles its complexity.

You are going to have to read the key articles over and over again to make sure you haven’t missed anything. To not read these articles, or to read them only a couple of times, is a formula for disaster.

  • First, the Cachexia Treatment Plan BEGINS with the “Stage IV” treatment plan found on another web page. As you read this article you must constantly be thinking about the things you can and cannot take with hydrazine sulfate. Here is the article:
    Stage IV Treatment Article [The Big Picture of what you need]
  • Second, is using hydrazine sulfate to stop the cachexia cycle in the liver. There is only ONE vendor of hydrazine sulfate in this galaxy that I endorse. The last section in this article is “An Important Note About Vendors,” which is where I will start to talk about the vendor.
  • Third, if a temporary 50% increase in the size of any tumor you have (or a significant amount of swelling or inflammation) will not cause you any danger, then use the Cesium Chloride / DMSO Protocol. But even in this treatment there are things you cannot take with hydrazine sulfate (e.g. large doses of Vitamin C). Cesium chloride will block the cachexia cycle at the cancer cells by blocking glucose. DMSO will drive the cesium chloride into the cancer cells. Here is the article:
    Cesium Chloride Protocol
    DMSO Article [It is critical to read the safety warnings in this article.]
  • Fourth, other products to provide super-energy – the super-fruits. Normal cells are literally starved to death by the cachexia. The bones and muscles of a person are literally eaten by the cachexia cycle in order to “feed” the cancer cells. It is critical to restore the non-cancerous cells to health with a BLAST of powerful nutrients. Among these products are Essense Health Blend, Xango Mangosteen, Tahitian Noni Juice, and wolfberry juice (e.g. Berry Young Juice). Essense Health Blend, (Vendor)
    XanGo Mangosteen, (Vendor)
    Tahitian Noni Juice
    Berry Young Juice, from Young Living (wolfberry or Goji juice) Vibe is NOT on this list because it has added Vitamin C. Natural vitamin C from fruits is OK. Essense Health Blend should be taken throughout your cancer treatment, whereas the fruit juices should only be taken while the non-cancerous cells are starved for nutrition!
  • Fifth, MSM, which is a derivative of DMSO, is known to block the formation of lactic acid, and carry it out of the body. Here is a quote:

    The MSM prevents the crystallization and build up of lactic acid. The MSM flushes the lactic acid out, along with all the other bad toxins in your system. By taking large amounts of MSM, more toxins that cause soreness are flushed out of your system. Remember, lactic acid is nothing more than a toxin, and can be detoxified just like any other toxin in the body – by MSM.”

    My recommended vendor of MSM is a vendor who does not allow any additives to be put into their products:
    Recommended MSM Vendor

  • Sixth, is a product called Ribose. Ribose is used to treat fibromyalgia because it can get past the lactic acid in the body and get glucose directly into the muscles. This is critical for cachexia patients.
  • Seventh, is protecting the liver. By definition, the cachexia cycle has damaged your liver. The best place on my web site related to protecting the liver is on my Stage III treatment article:
    Stage III Treatment Article [Search for “liver detox”]
  • Eighth, is the “cancer diet.” The cancer diet (meaning anti-cancer diet) is very low in glucose. It has its own article. Note that for patients who are very weak, I do not recommend they eat a lot of raw food, but rather they should go on the macrobiotic diet. My article explains all of this:
    The “Cancer Diet” Article

Using Hydrazine Sulfate With Other Treatments

Hydrazine Sulfate is frequently used with other alternative cancer treatments (e.g. see my Stage IV article). These other treatments may have a list of foods, or supplements that contain condensed foods, that can be used with them. When looking at these lists of foods, or supplements with condensed foods in them, make sure you keep in mind that hydrazine sulfate has a long list of foods that cannot be taken with it.

For example, both the Cesium Chlroride Protocol and Calcium Protocol lists high doses of Vitamin C. If you are taking hydrazine sulfate your TOTAL Vitamin C should be limited to 250 mg per day, from all sources.

Final Warnings

In all the potential confusion, don’t forget these items:

Hydrazine sulphate should be taken in exact doses because it is not a natural substance. Overdosing can do more harm than good.

Also don’t forget that there are BREAKS in the treatment that are part of the schedule!!

Pay attention to the food and supplement restrictions. If the person gets a major headache it may be because they are eating a food with the amino acid tyramine.

Once again you should remember that if you are on any prescription drugs, triple check the above lists (and even call the Syracuse Clinic – see links below), to make sure they do not conflict with hydrazine sulphate.

Don’t forget to restrict usage of Vitamin C (to 250 mg) and avoid Vitamin B6 – and any multivitamins or other supplements that contain these things.

AVOID Barley supplements.

AVOID amino acid supplements, such as SON Formulas.

An Important Note About Vendors

Finding a high quality hydrazine sulfate product is very difficult to do. Hydrazine Sulfate is one of the products the FDA has worked very hard on making unavailable to the public. Their attempts, and those of the NIH, to suppress H.S. goes back many years. It has not stopped.

Obviously a vendor of H.S. cannot make any medical claims. But the fervor of the FDA to crush this treatment has forced vendors who sell high quality H.S. to sell their product as a cancer treatment for pets or as a fertilizer for plants. It is very similar to the fact that DMSO has to be sold as a “solvent.”

My endorsed vendor sells H.S. as part of a pet cancer treatment. Rest assured, this is a high quality product that is very suitable for humans. See the first link below.

  • Essense-of-Life Quality liquid ionic hydrazine sulfate sold for pets (see: “An Important Note About Vendors” above)
  • Syracuse Clinic Clinic of the discoverer of Hydrazine Sulphate – a MUST READ site!!
  • Dr. Gold Article by Dr. Gold on the fraudulent NIH study and what cannot be taken with H.S.
  • Walter Last Hydrazine Sulphate – Australian Document with Testimonials [Must Read]
  • Life Energy Hydrazine Sulphate – Testimonials
  • MN Wellness Hydrazine Sulphate – Short Article
  • Hydrazine Sulphate – Article
  • Mind Body Health Conspiracy against Hydrazine Sulphate
  • Heall Hydrazine Sulphate Coverup (3 web pages)