Poly MVA / PolyMVA Cancer Treatment

Written by Webster Kehr, Independent Cancer Research Foundation, Inc. | Last updated on | Filed under: Cancer Articles, Treatments

How It Works

“[Dr Garnett] is transferring, or shuttling, electrons to the DNA via the mitochondria. Thus the compound is described as a DNA Reductase. However there is evidence that it can repair genes damaged by cancer because of its up-regulation of oxygen. Once inside the cell, Poly-MVA supports normal energy production of ATP by increasing the oxygen pathways. This interferes with the particular energy metabolism (anaerobic) of the cancer cell by targeting the mitochondria which allows for a change in the tumor’s cell properties. No harm occurs in normal cells. The benefit from the increase in oxygen and ATP that supports normal cellular function in all other cells.”


Poly-MVA, and Reams Biological Theory, are two of the new, and very intriguing, ways of treating cancer. They approach cancer from a very different perspective than most other alternative treatment plans. Dr. Garnett’s 30 years of testing has yielded organic-metallo compounds of metals, minerals, vitamins and amino acids that are showing excellent results ON TERMINAL PATIENTS and many others. Because this product works on terminal patients, it is undoubtedly a great alternative to chemotherapy and provides protection from radiotherapy.

Poly-MVA is a uniquely formulated nutritional supplement containing a proprietary blend of Palladium and alpha-lipoic Acid (which we refer to as LAPd), Vitamins B1, B2 and B12, Formylmethionine, Acetyl Cystiene, and trace amounts of Molybdinum, Rhodium, and Ruthenium. It is designed to provide energy for the compromised body systems by changing the electrical potential of human cells. In other words, it increases cellular energy levels, thus increasing the charge density of DNA within the cell. This supports normal cell function and works against abnormal cell function

If you have brain cancer or bone marrow cancer, pay close attention to this product. It has been shown to pass through the blood brain barrier and also get to Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia (ALL) bone marrow cancer.

A word of warning. Because of the way this product operates, you need to pay close attention to the MAXIMUM doses of certain nutrients while on this medication. The Alpha Lipoic Acid in the Poly-MVA needs to do the bulk of the antioxidant work, and ALA is well-known to pass through the blood brain barrier (BBB).

These are the restrictions I know about for Poly-MVA:

1) NO alpha lipoic acid (ALA or LA) supplementation in high doses above 400mg.

2) Limit Vitamin C supplementation to 10,000mg a day. If using higher doses, separate the Poly-MVA and the Vitamin C by six (6) hours. This includes multivitamins and other supplements which may have Vitamin C added to them. The Vitamin C in foods is not a problem.

A one-month treatment of Poly-MVA at the MAXIMUM dose costs about $1,000 (plus doctor fees).

Using Poly-MVA With Other Treatments

Integrative protocols work well with Poly-MVA. CoQ10 is highly recommended at loading dose levels. The use of IV administration is also beneficial and can be used along with other programs. One final caution. Poly-MVA is frequently used with other alternative cancer treatments (e.g. see my treatment for Stage III cancer patients). These other treatments may have a list of supplements that should be used with them. For example, the Calcium Protocol includes multivitamins (which generally have Vitamin C added, and perhaps alpha lipoic acid), plus extra Vitamin C. It is perfectly all right to use Poly-MVA and the Calcium Protocol together, HOWEVER, you should not take the Calcium Protocol supplements that interfere with Poly-MVA.

This same concept applies to all treatments combined with Poly-MVA.

Supercharging This Treatment

Because how this treatment works is not completely understood, it is difficult to say what conflicts with Poly-MVA. It is important to ask the distributor what supplements and foods can negatively impact the effects of Poly-MVA, then using this list as a basis, design your complete protocol.

An alternative cancer treatment should be a complete treatment protocol. Do NOT forget to study the complete treatment protocol for Stage I, II and III cancer patients and the complete treatment protocol for Stage IV cancer patients:
Treatment For Stage I, II and III Cancer Patients
Treatment For Stage IV Cancer Patients


Poly-MVA Home Page
Poly-MVA Breakthrough Booklet
Poly-MVA Single Sheet
Poly-MVA Survivors
PolyMVA Testimonials
Minnesota Wellness
Dr. James Forsythe, MD, HMD
Outcome-based Investigation Results
Energy to Get the Job Done
Poly-MVA Doctors by Dr. Frank Antonawich
MX Cancer Hospital and Practitioners
Reno Clinic

List of Other Links

Other Articles
Poly-MVA Home Page The main home page of this product
Poly-MVA Survivors Testimonials of users
Minnesota Wellness A superb independent article about Poly-MVA
Dr. James Forsythe, MD, HMD Board-certified Oncologist comments
AMARC A list of practitioners (see also the Poly-MVA Survivors site listed)
Brain Cancer Hospital A Tijuana, Mexico hospital that specializes in brain cancer and Poly MVA
Dr. James Forsythe, MD, HMD Updated results from an ongoing outcome-based investigation with integrative therapies and Poly-MVA being conducted by a board-certified oncologist
AMARC Overview of Poly-MVA benefits and uses with specific health challenges as well as some patient stories
AMARC Poly-MVA Breakthrough booklet – good overview of the history, science, mechanisms, and uses of Poly-MVA as well as some stories from people who have found benefit
Frank Antonawich, PhD Presentation titled “Metabolic Benefits of Poly-MVA: Combating Fatigue, Improving QOL and Quenching Free Radicals” by a respected research scientist
Frank Antonawich, PhD Presentation titled “Palladium Lipoic Acid Complex: A Non-toxic Radiation Protection and Mitigation Agent” by a respected research scientist


Poly-MVA / Poly-MVA Cancer Treatment

Written by Webster Kehr, Independent Cancer Research Foundation, Inc. | Last updated on April 23, 2015 |

Filed under: Cancer Articles, Treatments

How It Works

Lipoic Acid Mineral Complex (the complex inside of Poly-MVA) is a redox molecule (this means it can accept

electrical charge and donate that charge, which makes it an extremely effective energy-transferring molecule)

that facilitates energy charge transfer at the cellular level. This means it can safely and effectively protect cells

and provide energy to them. Many years of research and clinical studies provide consistent and ongoing

evidence that Poly-MVA can support gene repair (in genes damaged by cancer), various therapies and

degeneration because of its mitochondrial up-regulation with increased oxygen. Once inside the cell, Poly-

MVA supports normal energy production of ATP via the Krebs cycle and its oxygen pathways. This interferes

with the particular energy metabolism of the (anaerobic) cancer cell by targeting the mitochondria which allows

for a change in the cell properties. Multiple studies have shown Poly-MVA’s effectiveness in many different

cancer cell lines, with NO harm occuring in normal cells. The benefit from the increase in oxygen and ATP is

support for normal cellular function in all other cells. The alpha lipoic acid and minerals are irreversibly bound

together, resulting in a molecule that is both fat and water soluble (so it travels to all parts of the body) and

significantly more effective than any individual ingredient. Poly-MVA has undergone extensive testing, both

intravenously and orally and concerning cancer, other degenerative diseases and as a daily preventative tonic,

with a safety record of almost 20 years. Furthermore, Poly-MVA is a highly-effective free radical scavenger. Its

ability to donate electrons to the mitochondria of the cell is critical to its benefits. {In addition to cancer, clinical

research also continues to support its benefits in stroke and ischemia. This is because following an interruption

of blood flow to any tissue, there is deprivation of oxygen and glucose. Providing an alternative energy source

can maintain the integrity of the electron transport chain within the mitochondria. The LAMC complex has the

ability to shuttle electrons to oxidized DNA while also going to the mitochondria (this is critical since

mitochondrial health is a major concern during myocardial and cerebral ischemia, as well as in countless other

health concerns).}


Poly-MVA is an effective, safe and very intriguing way of targeting cancer. It approaches cancer from a very

different perspective than most other alternative treatment plans. Dr. Garnett’s almost 50 years of testing has

yielded organic-metallo compounds of metals, minerals, vitamins and amino acids that are showing excellent

results ON TERMINAL PATIENTS and many others. Additionally, many practitioners in the US and abroad

continue to see significant successes integrating Poly-MVA into protocols for cancer, degenerative disease and

other health challenges. Because this product works on terminal patients, it is undoubtedly a great

alternative/complement to chemotherapy and provides protection from radiotherapy.

LAMC/Poly-MVA is a unique compound created through an innovative process whereby the mineral palladium

is bound to alpha lipoic acid and vitamin B1 (thiamine). When alpha lipoic acid, a unique and powerful

antioxidant with multiple health benefits, is connected to an electrically charged mineral (palladium) and joined

with thiamin (B1), the resulting complex is both water and fat soluable, dramatically increasing the entire

body’s absorption of Poly-MVA at the cellular level. With vitamins B1, B2 and B12, specific trace minerals and

amino acids, this unique complex and formulation creates an amazing synergy, action and function. It is

designed to provide energy for the body’s systems as well as protect cells from oxidation through its proprietary

and patented formulation. Poly-MVA was formulated by Dr. Merrill Garnett, who over the past 48 years has

conducted research on the actions of DNA within normal and abnormal cells. This product safely and

effectively protects and supports cellular function. It is designed to provide energy for the compromised body

systems by increasing cellular energy levels, thus increasing the charge density of DNA within the cell. This

supports normal cell function and works against abnormal cell function

If you have cancer – especially brain, lung, breast, colorectal, pancreatic, prostate and liver – pay close attention

to this product. It has been shown to pass through the blood brain barrier. It can also get to Acute Lymphocytic

Leukemia (ALL) bone marrow cancer.

In summation, Poly-MVA is a superior product that has a unique antioxidant component that provides effective

free radical protection; it can replace specific nutrients that may be depleted during certain therapies (cancer and

more); it’s fast acting, easy to use and provides quick results; it safely and efficiently supports energy

production at the cellular level; and it can greatly enhance quality of life.

Please note! Because of the way this product operates, you need to pay close attention to the MAXIMUM doses

of certain nutrients while on this medication. The Alpha Lipoic Acid in the Poly-MVA needs to do the bulk of

the antioxidant work, and ALA is well-known to pass through the blood brain barrier (BBB).

These are the restrictions I know about for Poly-MVA:

1) NO alpha lipoic acid (ALA or LA) supplementation in high doses above 400mg. (It’s ok if alpha lipoic acid

is found in other multivitamins or product’s you’re taking, as long as it doesn’t exceed the 400mg per day.)

2) If high-dose antioxidants are being taken, for example 25-50 grams of Vitamin C daily, it is recommend that

you separate them by 4-6 hours from your dose of Poly-MVA. If mega-doses of Vitamin C are being taken (50-

150 grams per day), consult with your practitioner. This includes multivitamins and other supplements which

may have high amounts of Vitamin C added to them. The Vitamin C in foods is not a problem.

3) If using intravenous chelation therapy or oral chelation supplements that are designed to remove heavy

metals or arterial plaque from the body, it is suggested you an interval of at least 24 hours between using them

and Poly-MVA, as the chelators may minimize the effectiveness of Poly-MVA. Therefore, it is recommended

you take chelators and Poly-MVA on alternating days.

4) Graviola, Zeolites, hydrazine sulfate and Pau D’Arco may interfere with the absorption of Poly-MVA, so it is

recommended that you alternate these products while using Poly-MVA or separate by 6-12 hours. If including

these in a regiment is important or specifically beneficial, please call the distributor’s consultants to discuss a

dosage schedule that will work best.

A one-month dosage of oral Poly-MVA at the HIGH dose costs about $1,000 (plus practitioner fees).

Using Poly-MVA with Other Treatments

Integrative protocols have consistently been shown to work well with Poly-MVA. CoQ10 is highly

recommended, as its benefits have been shown in the laboratory and in clinical studies to work synergistically

with Poly-MVA. The use of IV administration is also beneficial and can be used along with other programs.

One final caution. Poly-MVA is frequently used with other alternative cancer treatments (e.g. see my treatment

for Stage III cancer patients). These other treatments may have a list of supplements that should be used with

them. For example, the Calcium Protocol includes multivitamins (which generally have Vitamin C added, and

perhaps alpha lipoic acid), plus extra Vitamin C. It is perfectly all right to use Poly-MVA and the Calcium

Protocol together, HOWEVER, you should not take the Calcium Protocol supplements that may interfere with

Poly-MVA and alternate them as required.

This same concept applies to all treatments combined with Poly-MVA. Check out the link below called

“Breakthrough Booklet,” and call the distributor to talk to a consultant about your specific situation and needs.

Supercharging This Treatment

Because of how unique and cell-specific this product is, and how the various protocols‘ effectiveness can vary

based on an individual’s body and particular health situation, it is difficult to say what specific Poly-MVA

approach will work best, However, it is certainly one that is beneficial to include, whether orally/IV and 2

teaspoons(10ml) or 8 teaspoons (40ml). It is important to coordinate with an overall regiment and ask the

knowledgeable consultants at the distributor’s office what supplements and foods can support and impact the

effectiveness of Poly-MVA, then using that list as a basis, work with your practitioner to design your complete

protocol for almost any health need.

An integrative and/or alternative cancer treatment should be a complete treatment protocol, supporting your

body’s basic needs for health and normal operation. Do NOT forget to study the complete treatment protocol

for Stage I, II and III cancer patients and the complete treatment protocol for Stage IV cancer patients:

Treatment For Stage I, II and III Cancer Patients

Treatment For Stage IV Cancer Patients

Poly-MVA Home Page

The main home page of this product.


Frequently asked questions about the product.

Poly-MVA Breakthrough Booklet

A very informative booklet that contains a good comprehensive overview of the product for individuals and

practitioners alike.

Poly-MVA Single Sheet

Quick list of benefits of Poly-MVA and some testimonials.

Poly-MVA Survivors

A good third-party website about the product put together by the son of a cancer patient who benefitted from



Stories from people who have used the product or have had family members or patients use it.

Minnesota Wellness

A superb independent article about Poly-MVA

Dr. James Forsythe, MD, HMD

Board-certified oncologist comments (Dr. Forsythe has been involved in many years’ research with Poly-


Outcome-based Investigation Results

Summaries of a long-term study Dr. James Forsythe has done with Poly-MVA.

Energy to Get the Job Done

A shortened version of a paper about Poly-MVA done by Dr. Frank Antonawich, a research scientist who has

worked with the product for many years.

Poly-MVA Doctors

A list of practitioners who have experience using Poly-MVA in multiple protocols (see also the Poly-MVA

Survivors site listed)

MX Cancer Hospital

Reno Clinic

Two of the better-known clinics that specialize in approaches using Poly-MVA, especially with cancer (Board-

certified Oncologist comments (Dr. Forsythe has been involved in many years’ research with Poly-MVA)