Gaston Naessens 714X / 714-X Cancer Treatment

Written by Webster Kehr, Independent Cancer Research Foundation, Inc. | Last updated on | Filed under: Cancer Articles, Treatments

How It Works

The theory behind the work of Gaston Naessens is that cancer is caused by a friendly microorganism (present in all cells) that becomes unfriendly. 714X provides nitrogen to the cancer cells, thus causing this microorganism (somatids – “little bodies”) to cease excreting their toxic compounds and the immune system is mobilized. I presume that at that point the immune system kills the cancer cells. “Furthermore, the 714X therapy unclogs the lymph system, which is responsible for removing toxins from the body.”

Gaston Naessens 714X / 714-X

Before talking about 714X, here is an important quote from an article about 714-X or 714X:

People close to Gaston Naessens’ work believe that 714-X is best used early. While they believe it may save one in twelve of the terminally ill patients who turn to it on their death beds, and maybe one in six of the advanced cancer patients who try it as a last hope, when it is given early in the disease process, they feel that it might help almost everyone. Further, anecdotally, even in advanced cancer, 714-X may greatly improve quality of life.

While people with advanced cancer, especially those who the orthodox community has given up on and sent home to die, might clamor for a treatment that has a “one in six” chance of survival, I might respond that there are many alternative treatments for cancer that have a much better survival rate for advanced cancer patients than “one in six.” 714X should probably only be used by people who are not yet “advanced.” (See Case Study #1 in my tutorial for more information on what treatments have excellent results for advanced patients.)

Regarding the theory behind this homeopathic medication, Naessens is one of several well-known alternative health researchers who believes a microorganism is involved with cancer. While some consider this microorganism to be a cause of cancer, others simply consider it to be a symptom of cancer. In any case, the attempt to deal with this microorganism leads to the death of the cancer cell.

714X has been heavily persecuted by the governments of both the U.S. and Canada. Gaston was arrested, but eventually found innocent. The FDA has issued an “Import Alert” on this substance (as they have for many other top alternative treatment medicines), meaning Americans must go to Canada, and find a licensed doctor who administers 714X (two of my links below happen to be to clinics that I assume use 714X: Dr. Normal Allen, a chiropractor, and the Centre for Integrated Healing in B.C.).

Supercharging This Treatment

Since this treatment must be administered by a doctor in Canada or Mexico, I will leave it to them to supercharge this treatment.

Site – Comments

  • Gaston Naessens – Naessens Home Page (Canada)
  • Normal Allan – Good article on Gaston, his microscope and 714X
  • HealthPlusWeb – Some duplication with above article – see Procedure/Protocol
  • Healing B.C. – Excellent Article
  • Ralph Moss – Excellent article on the history of 714X
  • Gaston Naessens – Technical Information