Pregnancy, Foods and Supplements: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

Written by Webster Kehr, Independent Cancer Research Foundation, Inc. | Last updated on | Filed under: Pregnancy

The Very Bad Things For Babies

Trans-Fatty Acids

Trans-fatty acids (TFAs) can cause extensive damage to a fetus, and even the brain of the developing fetus. TFAs are found in peanut butter, margarine, and virtually every other processed food. Trans-fatty acids are also called “hydrogenated oils” because the hydrogenation process is how TFAs are created. The hydrogenation process changes the chemical structure of certain fats and creates a monster of a molecule which can damage the brain of a fetus, cause cancer, cause Type 2 diabetes, and a whole host of other health problems:

  • “”Even in these baby foods, we see partially hydrogenated fats,” Sterken says, holding up a package of infant cereal. “Trans fatty acids replace the essential fatty acids (EFAs) that are needed for brain growth …”

Even if foods are [labeled], studies show some babies are still getting high doses of trans because their mothers are eating it. Research from the University of British Columbia shows trans fats pass through placenta to the fetus. In Europe, another study found that the higher the trans in the diet of pregnant women, the more likely they were to give birth prematurely and have smaller babies.

Once born, the trans fat ingested by mothers is passed to their babies through breast milk. In fact, a study by Health Canada found Canadian breast milk contained among the highest levels of trans reported.

“I have grave concerns about the fat type in the diet of pregnant and lactating mothers and our young children right through to adulthood,” says Bruce Holub, a nutrition researcher at the University of Guelph.

(It is important to note that during the first two years of life infants and toddlers need a high fat diet. Low fat foods are not appropriate in the first two years of a child’s growth.)”

Too Many Stored Potatoes

When potatoes are stored they get black spots on them. These black spots are caused by the fungi: Aspergillus and Fusarium. The mytotoxins created by these fungi are: aflatoxin and fumosium. In pregnant women who consume large amounts of potatoes, the two mytotoxins have been incriminated as a cause of spina bifida.

See: Sick and Tired – Reclaim Your Inner Terrain, page 89

Other Items

Alcohol causes “Fetal Alcohol Syndrome,” which is actually several different diseases that can result in brain damage, caused by a mother drinking alcohol while pregnant. It has been shown that a single intoxication can cause brain damage to a fetus. Furthermore, alcohol can stay in the body for up to 3 months!

Chlorinated tap water has been associated with a slight increase in the incidence of spina bifida.

Need smoking even be mentioned? Or caffeine? All of these things are only the tip of the iceberg in terms of dangers to unborn children. The links below will discuss many of the more common substances that can cause serious or fatal damage to a fetus.

Here is a good generic quote:

  • “These are among research findings that Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory research associate Sharon Pottmeyer writes about in a Web-site Hot Topic for the Parent Information Resource Center ( Pottmeyer, pulling information from researchers such as Rima Shore, author of Rethinking the Brain: New Insights into Early Development, and Jane M. Healy, author of Endangered Minds, says that toxins known to cause problems or implicated in problems for the developing brain include metals such as lead, methyl mercury, arsenic, aluminum, and cadmium; environmental pollutants such as PCBs, solvents, pesticides, and some chemical fertilizers; recreational drugs that include alcohol, cocaine, codeine, methadone, and heroin; and prescription and over-the-counter drugs. The ill effects of these various drugs and toxins are most generally lowered IQs, mental retardation, attention deficits, academic learning difficulties, social problems, and central nervous system issues.”
A Warning About the Overuse of Ultrasound

While it is true that ultrasound is far safer for both mother and baby than X-Rays, ultrasound should only be used when absolutely necessary. There is a fad in some parts of the country where ultrasound is used indiscriminately, almost for entertainment. Ultrasound can be very dangerous to a fetus. The FDA has issued a warning about the overuse of ultrasound.

  • “Evidence suggesting that ultrasound scans on pregnant women cause brain damage in their unborn babies has been uncovered by scientists.”

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The Very Good Things For Baby
The Very Ugly Things For Baby

Websites The Bad Things – URGENT ISSUES
Environmental Health A Single Intoxication Can Cause Brain Damage
Mercola Prozac can be toxic to fetus


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