Chapter 3: Johanna Brandt Grape Cure For Cancer A “Stage IV” Treatment For Cancer

Written by Webster Kehr, Independent Cancer Research Foundation, Inc. | Last updated on | Filed under: Cancer Articles, Complete Protocols

Other Chapters:

Chapter 1: Introduction to the Brandt Grape Cure
Chapter 2: The Brandt Grape Cure Protocol

Chapter 4: Optional Treatments and Final Comments

Chapter 3: What CAN Be Added to the Brandt Grape Cure

Many of the grapes grown today do not have the same amount of minerals and other nutrients that grapes of several decades ago had (in the days of Johanna Brandt). This is due to over-farming the same land. This possibility has led researchers like myself to look into ways to overcome this problem.

In determining what can be added to this protocol, first make sure that it is not a food. Foods are not dense enough with minerals and other nutrients to avoid interfering with this protocol. Anything that is added to this protocol must be processed so that it is small in size compared to the grape mush.

Powdered and liquid supplements are allowed under the condition that they do not add too much “bulk” to the protocol. In other words, the total amount of powder and/or pills taken must be less than 5% of the bulk of the grapes and grape mush. Any such powder and pills should be designed to build the immune system, kill microbes, kill cancer cells and/or provide a high level of energy.

One acceptable supplement is an excellent liquid multi-vitamin and multi-mineral supplement: Vibe by Eniva.

Required Addition to the Grape Cure: Colloidal Silver

Cancer is actually caused by a microbe (a pleomorphic “cell wall deficient” bacteria to be exact). Once inside a normal cell the microbe blocks the mitochondria from being able to make ATP molecules and the cell must revert to fermentation to create energy (i.e. to create ATP molecules).

Thus, one way to cure cancer is to kill the microbes which are hiding inside of all cancer cells. If these microbes are killed it is a known fact that the cancer cells will be able to revert back into normal cells and normal cell metabolism (meaning the cells will be healthy again).

One of the theories as to how the grape cure works is that the grape juice gets inside the cancer cells (which it is known to do) and kills the microbes which are inside the cancer cells, thus allowing some or all of the cancer cells to revert into normal cells. A microbe cannot survive for more than a few seconds in pure grape juice. This may account for why the grape cure does not create any swelling or inflammation – because no cancer cells may actually be killed by the protocol.

Another substance which kills microbes is colloidal silver. If colloidal silver were mixed in with the grape juice the grape juice might “carry” the colloidal silver inside the cancer cells with it (this is a “Trojan Horse” effect), allowing the colloidal silver to help kill the microbe(s) inside the cancer cells, thus allowing the cancer cells to revert back into normal cells.

The right brand of colloidal silver might supercharge, in a big way, the effect of the grape cure.

The two brands of colloidal silver I recommend, by a wide margin, are:

  1. ASAP Plus, which is 22 ppm silver,
  2. Angstrom Silver by Rainbow Minerals.

To use this addition to the grape cure, mix 8 TABLEspoons of the silver in with the grape mush you make for a day’s use. Eight TABLEspoons is equal to 4 ounces, so make sure you buy enough bottles to last you for the treatment.

Do not start at six tablespoons, start at one tablespoon and then build-up, by one tablespoon a day, until you get to 8 tablespoons. Thus, day one will have one tablespoon mixed in with the grape mush, day two will have two tablespoons, etc.

Here is a vendor of ASAP Plus:
Vendor of “ASAP Plus” (22 PPM)

Use Google to find a vendor of Rainbow Mineral’s Angstrom silver.

Strongly Recommended Addition to the Grape Cure: Cellect

Recent experiences with using Cellect have convinced us that Cellect is a superb addition to any alternative cancer treatment. It would be especially beneficial when using the Brandt Grape Cure because it should not interfere with the way the Brandt Grape cure works.

Cellect was developed by Fred Eickorn, who was an organ transplant researcher and is now the president of the National Cancer Research Foundation. The product can be purchased by visiting this website:
Cellect Powder

Note: Do not buy the pills because you cannot mix them in with the grape mush and they would be much more expensive.

Doses of Cellect:

  • Days 1-2, one scoop a day (added to grape mush),
  • Days 3-4, two scoops a day (added to grape mush),
  • Days 5-6, three scoops a day (added to grape mush),
  • Thereafter, three or four scoops a day (added to grape mush).

The number of scoops can be increased for more advanced cancers. Very advanced cancer patients have built up to 8 or 10 scoops a day on other protocols. This product is required for those who can obtain it.

Strongly Recommended Addition to the Grape Cure: Limu Juice

Limu juice is a natural product from the sea. It is a special kind of seaweed mixed in with fruits and vegetables. Its affect on cancer is well proven. A therapeutic dose is 16 ounces a day. This is a superb protocol by itself, and will be a welcome addition to the grape cure.

While adding Limu Juice is far above the 5% “rule of thumb,” remember that this juice is a very potent cancer treatment by itself, thus you can ignore the 5% rule in this case.

You should take the Limu Juice during the twelve hours you are NOT eating the grapes. Normally, Limu Juice is taken in several small doses spread out during the day. When added to the Grape Cure a person can take two small doses in the morning (before the Grape Cure) and two small doses after the Grape Cure is finished for the day.

There are many vendors of Limu Juice, but there is only one vendor which I have seen do marvelous things for cancer patients. Here is an article with more information about Limu Juice and information on how to buy it:
Information and Vendor of Limu Juice

Other Chapters:

Chapter 1: Introduction to the Brandt Grape Cure
Chapter 2: The Brandt Grape Cure Protocol

Chapter 4: Optional Treatments and Final Comments