Natural Cancer Treatments For Hospice Patients

Written by Webster Kehr, Independent Cancer Research Foundation, Inc. | Last updated on | Filed under: Cancer Articles

Natural Cancer Treatments For Hospice Patients

Hospice patients, almost by definition, have had the full range of chemotherapy, radiation and surgery. Their bodies are damaged by all of these treatments and most likely they have a large number of cancer cells in their body and a massive amount of lactic acid. When there are a large number of cancer cells in the body, the cancer is spreading quickly, by virtue of the vast number of cancer cells which are dividing.

If these patients have had stomach surgery, they cannot digest foods very well and thus cannot extract nutrients from foods very well. And so on.

While these generalizations do not apply to all hospice patients, it is the model for this article.

Let us first talk about cost. Highly effective clinics (that use natural medicine exclusively) and home treatments, that use natural medicine, typically are fairly expensive treatments, not because they cost so much, but because health insurance does not cover them. Like everyone else, health insurance companies are in bed with the pharmaceutical industry.

For those who cannot afford the average $20,000 for a clinic and/or the $15,000 for some of the home treatments, they have two choices.

First, they can use a life insurance policy of the cancer patient to obtain the necessary funding. For example, a $50,000 life insurance policy may be worth $35,000 to a corporation which purchases life insurance companies of people who are terminally ill.

Thus the family must decide whether the loss of $15,000 ($50,000 minus $35,000), plus the cost of the alternative cancer treatments, is worth the risk that the patient will not survive anyway.

However, it must also be understood that the $35,000 can not only give the patient a chance for survival, but will allow the family quality time together to travel and do other things together. See this article for more information on the corporations that purchase life insurance contracts from terminally ill people:
How To Fund Cancer Treatments

Required Reading!!!

Whether you use a clinic treatment or a home treatment, if the treatment is successful, the patient will be in “remission,” meaning their cancer is under control.

However, if the patient stops treating their cancer at that point there is almost a 100% chance the cancer will come back, which is called: regression.

Why would the cancer come back? The reason is that rebuilding the immune system of a cancer patient can take years. With a highly weakened immune system (generally due to chemotherapy and radiation), the cancer is almost certain to come back because everyone gets new cancer cells all the time.

There are two articles which are absolutely required to be read. Both are also linked to on the left side-bar.

First, is an article on what to do while getting ready to start your first cancer treatment, whether clinic or home. The article is the “Understanding Treating Cancer” article. This article discusses lactic acid, microbes, etc. which advanced cancer patients must, must understand. Here is the link:
Understanding Treating Cancer

The second article is just as important. It deals with what to do after the patient is in remission. As just mentioned, even if a cancer patient is totally cured of their cancer, the cancer can come back!!!

There is no way to underestimate the importance of this article:
Prevent Your Cancer From Coming Back

Clinics That Use Natural Medicine

One option for hospice patients is to go to a cancer clinic that uses natural medicine. This assumes, of course, the patient can travel.

While this is obviously a very good choice, it must be understood that when the patient gets home they will need to go on a home treatment anyway. However, the home treatment does not have to be one of the more expensive home treatments, depending on the situation.

For example, I frequently recommend the Ultimate Simple Protocol for patients who have returned from clinics. This is a medium-priced protocol mainly because of the cost of Limu Juice (about $500 a month). However, the patient must have at least 3 months to live to benefit from this protocol.

For those who do not have, or do not want to sell, a life insurance policy, and do not have the funds, there are also less expensive protocols, such as the Dirt Cheap Protocol or the Brandt Grape Cure, and others. These are very good treatments, but certainly not in the same league as the four major treatments that will be discussed later in this article.

For those who do not want to use a clinic, or do not have the funds for a clinic, or for some other reason cannot go to a clinic, there are also home treatments that are potent enough to compete with most of the clinics. They will be discussed next.

Here is a link to alternative cancer treatment clinics:
Natural Medicine Cancer Clinics

The Four Home Recommended Treatments For Advanced Cancer Patients

It should be emphasized that the Cellect-Budwig and Cesium Chloride protocol CANNOT both be used by the same patient. It is one or the other, never both. One cannot even be used after the other because they are very similar to each other.

There are four protocols which were designed specifically for very advanced cancer patients. The pros and cons of each of these treatments will now be given. The patient and their caregiver can then decide if one of these treatments fits their situation.

The four treatments are (see left side-bar for links to these treatments):

  1. Cellect-Budwig Protocol
  2. Cesium Chloride Protocol
  3. Plasma-Beck Protocol
  4. Overnight Cure For cancer (OCC)

Let us talk about the pros and cons for these highly potent protocols.

WARNING – Read about all four of these protocols because some of these protocols were designed for specific, difficult situations.

1) Cellect-Budwig Protocol

The Cellect-Budwig is an alkaline protocol which has a vast amount of nutrients, amino acids, etc. Being an alkaline protocol it slows down the spread of cancer very quickly, can deal with the pain of cancer and can shrink tumors quickly.

When used with the High RF Frequency Device – Plasma (for those who can afford it), it can reach any cancer cell, even in the lymph system, bone marrow, etc.

2) Cesium Chloride Protocol

Like the Cellect-Budwig, this is an alkaline protocol that quickly slows down the spread of cancer. It can also shrink tumors and reduce the pain of cancer.

The major issue when choosing this protocol is that it can cause temporary swelling and/or inflammation when first started. It can also cause tumors to temporarily swell.

The way around these two issues is to start the treatment with lower doses of cesium, but doing that delays the full impact of the treatment. Nevertheless, this protocol has been around for more than 30 years and is an exceptional protocol in most situations.

3) Plasma-Beck

This protocol was designed specifically for those who do not like the taste of Cellect. It also requires few, if any, coffee enemas.

However, because this protocol is not considered an alkaline protocol, it does not quickly slow down the spreading of cancer. So for some hospice patients one of the above two protocols (the alkaline protocols) should be used.

It replaces Cellect with some very, very nutritious products!! Thus, the only thing this protocol lacks is the alkalinity of the Cellect product itself.

This is a superb and very potent protocol because it not only uses the High RF Frequency Protocol – Plasma but also uses the Bob Beck Protocol, which is also an electromedicine protocol.

4) Overnight Cure For Cancer

This protocol has been around since 2004, but had major changes to it in 2011. It CAN be used by patients who cannot digest foods, either because the stomach is blocked (or paralyzed), the colon is blocked (or is paralyzed) or the stomach or colon are so damaged by chemotherapy, radiation and/or surgery that the patient cannot digest foods and supplements very well.

These are the very situations this protocol was designed to deal with!!

This protocol creates a huge amount of body odor, so while on this 30-day or more treatment the patient is not likely to be able to travel or go to work. However, some companies will allow the patient to work from home (though hospice patients are probably not working anyway).

This treatment should be followed by a less intense protocol, such as the Ultimate Simple Protocol, but instead of using the Bob Beck devices the patient should continue to use the electromedicine device(s) purchased for the OCC protocol.

There is a supercharged version of the OCC (i.e. DMSO/CD protocol) called the “Perfect Storm”: Here is the link:
Perfect Storm

This is a very powerful protocol.